Abstracts Only Submissions
Submit an Abstract Now!​
Follow the procedure below to submit an abstract, proposal or paper excerpt:
(a) Download the GCONSM'19 abstract template below. Use it as a guide and apply the exact same format to your abstract.
(b) Name your abstract using the following format 'Surname_AbstractSubmission.doc'
(c) Then send your abstract directly to submissions@gconsm.net
(d) Alternatively, submit your abstract using the form below:
**Please note that the deadline for Abstract Submissions is 10th of October, 2019
**All submitted abstracts, proposals or paper excerpts will undergo preliminary review (within 4 business days) and accepted abstracts which fall within the scope of the conference will be published in an abstract booklet with a unique ISBN.
A Re-cap of the Procedure for Participating in the GCONSM'19 Event
Participating in the GCONSM'19 event, entails a four step sequential process:
(1) Submit an abstract
(2) Receive review and presentation-eligibility decision (within 4 days of submission)
(3) Register for the conference
(4) Final paper submission: Authors who wish to have their papers considered for publication in our SSCI and ESCI+SCOPUS indexed affiliate journals will need to submit the final formatted manuscript (effecting all of the corrections suggested by the reviewers as at when due)
For more information, please contact the submissions and program coordinator at: information@gconsm.net