Professor Dr. Mehmet Demirbag
University of Essex, Essex Business School
Professor Mehmet Demirbag is a professor of International Business and Deputy Dean of Essex Business School. Prior to joining Essex Business School, he served as Vice Dean (internationalisation) and head of Department of Strategy and Organisation at Strathclyde Business School, and as Chair in International Business at the University of Sheffield Management School where he taught for more than ten years. He has wide experience of research and teaching in International Business and International Strategic Management in the UK and abroad. Mehmet also has extensive experience in policy development having served as principal advisor for the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Trade. Over the years, he has completed research projects for a range of funding bodies including the European Commission. Mehmet teaches International Business and International Strategic Management at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive levels.
His current research interest focuses on MNEs from emerging markets, offshore research and development activities of MNEs, and the impact of institutional factors on MNEs’ operations.
He has authored/co-authored more than 70 peer reviewed journal articles on these topics published in journals such as the Journal of Management Studies, British Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, the Journal of World Business, Management International Review, OMEGA, Human Resource Management Journal, International Journal of Human Resource Management, International Marketing Review, International Business Review, International Journal of Production Economics, and International Journal of Production Research, among others. He co-guest-edited eight journal special issues, including Human Resource Management, British Journal of Management, the Journal of World Business, International Business Review, International Marketing Review, Journal of Business Research on emerging markets and emerging-market MNEs. He is also co-author of a book (Palgrave-Macmillan) co-editor of three books (Edward Elgar), and numerous book chapters. Mehmet sits on the editorial boards of British Journal of Management, The Journal of World Business, Management International Review, and Journal of Asia Business Studies.